Social Emotional Learning Services

Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.

If a child can do advanced math, speak multiple languages, and get top grades in school, but can’t manage their emotions, practice conflict resolution, handle stress, none of that other stuff is really going to matter. However, it is  our moral responsibility to develop our pupils beyond the academia, while,it is also key to our pupils’ future success and life chances.

Of Course we all want our children to live a life that’s bursting with joy, inner peace, and a sense of purpose. If that is what you are looking for, then it’s time to get to work on building that rock-solid character! By making it a mission to help children grow into the best version of themselves, I work on their Emotional intelligence skills.

I have carefully curated a curriculum to embed emotional intelligence into the minds right from a young age to ensure holistic development. The pedagogy designed is based on the Indian Social and Emotional learning framework. The curriculum also is based on the Gestalt approach philosophies. I have also built a framework based on the pilot study findings. Trust me your kids will love it.

So, let’s get cracking on cultivating that amazing character of the young minds!

Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.

After connecting with school counsellors, therapists, and mentors from various demographic backgrounds, I identified the need for support – support to strengthen their emotional well-being; support in bringing emotional literacy; and support in enhancing their emotional quotient.

Bearing this in mind, I designed curriculums that were directed to foster emotional intelligence in young minds. In order to achieve this, I collaborated with concepts of art therapy, CBT, Transactional Analysis, and emotional intelligence, to make it a fun yet educative program.

These activities and sessions are carefully curated based on the Gestalt approach along with a customized strategy plan. The approach ensured that it fit into the Indian Social Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF).

It was a rigorous effort to combine concepts of Creative Art Therapy, and Psychotherapeutic techniques and tools, to achieve Emotional Literacy and eventually a healthy EI.


Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.
We lost the seriousness of feelings of the young minds.

Hungry for more intellectual minds, the little innocent brains were under tremendous pressure.

We began to observe a complete emotional indifference, making empathy and emotional discipline a rare sight.

Steps taken

Focus completely on the holistic development of children.

An integrated system of art, interaction, and emotions.

Age based curriculum designed to cater to the emotional development and milestones of each age.

Enabling a well functioning emotional ecosystem, thus building a better society.
Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.

Success Stories

I have conducted workshops at NGOs and also at colleges. The theme of the workshop varied depending on the nature of the audience. The themes I have worked on range from “Unlock Yourself”, “Decoding EI”, and “Who are you?” to name a few. I have also conducted a pilot study on youngsters, to monitor the benefits of the activities prepared.

Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.
Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach. Social Emotional Learning, curriculum.

This concept was recognized by university professors and was chosen to conduct further research into engaging art therapy and other therapeutic tools on alexithymia patients. This research is still in progress. Through this concept, I was also a part of mental health campaigns and panel discussions to support and spread awareness of mental health and its importance.

Let’s connect to embark on a beautiful journey that allows you to rediscover your own version of well-being.

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