Let's Connect

I am here to support you on your journey to mental and emotional well-being. If you’re ready to take the first step, please don’t hesitate to fill the contact form or reach out to me via the following email [email protected].

Prabha Acharya, Psychotherapist and Coach from Germany operating worldwide.


Typically, patients meet with therapists for 45 to 55 minutes, depending on the situation. Patients also spend 5-10 minutes checking in and filling out short mood questionnaires, if and when required. All told, on average, the patient spends about an hour each time they come for a session.

Once you book your first session, you will be sent an intake form to complete.

During the first session, your therapist will go over the intake form with you, to make sure that all the information has been properly understood. If you prefer not to fill in the paperwork beforehand, your therapist will assist you in completing the intake and consent form during your first appointment.

Give your therapist three tries. Usually, it takes at least three sessions before you start to understand how your therapist can impact your life. It is important to remember that when you meet people, first impressions are important and lasting. It’s the same with therapy — you’re getting to know each other. The first session can involve some housekeeping before you dive into your session. At first, it may feel awkward to be in a therapist’s office or to reveal your thoughts, so give yourself time to get used to the experience.

Payment is due at the start of every session by debit card, or bank transaction. Paying at the start of the session allows the remainder of the time to be spent on the therapy so that the session can end on time. This policy helps to keep the entire therapy process within the allotted time frame so that all clients can be seen on time.

If you are in distress you can be seen more frequently as needed (e.g., twice a week), or if things are going more-or-less fine or if finances are an issue, you can be seen less often (e.g., every week once or once in 2 weeks). The once-a-week format is most typical because it allows for enough time between the sessions for you to work on whatever was discussed in the session, but not so much time that the next session is spent updating the therapist on a lot of things that have happened between the sessions.

The length of individual therapy depends on your needs, resources, motivation, and goals for therapy. When determining the length of therapy it is important to consider:

  • How long have you had the problem?
  • How many goals do you want to achieve?
  • How complex are the goals?
  • What resources and sources of support are available to help you reach your goals?
  • How motivated are you to work towards your goals during the therapy sessions, and also between therapy sessions?

Therapy can have ups and downs, and some sessions can feel more useful than others. The important thing is to feel you are moving in the right direction.

The length of therapy is quite variable, and the final decision regarding the length of therapy rests jointly with the patient and therapist. Regardless of the length of treatment, we strongly recommend that the final session be planned so that the therapist and patient can summarise the work that has been done in therapy and say “good-bye.” This resolution is associated with better long-term outcomes for the patient than an abrupt termination.

If it is necessary to change or cancel your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. There is no charge for appointments cancelled or rescheduled 48 hours in advance of the scheduled time. For cancellations or rescheduling made less than 48 hours in advance, as well as missed appointments without notice, there is a full session fee.